21 November, 2011

Montes del Plata inaugurates housing solutions for workers in Colonia del Sacramento and Carmelo

Montes del Plata held the official opening of the workers neighbourhood in Colonia del Sacramento and the Housing Centre in Carmelo that will be used by those working in the construction phase of the company cellulose pulp industrial mill in Conchillas.

Colonia officials, including Dr. Pablo Manitto (General Secretary) and Dr. Miguel Asqueta (General Director for the Planning, Programs and Decentralization Department), along with Montes del Plata officials cut the ribbon to partially open these two housing complexes, which will be donated by Montes del Plata to meet the needs of the department once construction of the mill is completed. Carmelo Mayor Alejandro Brusco also attended the opening of the Housing Centre in that city.

Forty of the 150 houses were opened in the first stage of the complex that is being built in the El General neighbourhood in Colonia del Sacramento. A total of eight buildings are being constructed in the Carmelo Housing Centre.

The 60m2 houses have 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The neighbourhood has sewage, streets and football fields, as well as other services.

The units feature aluminium clad sliding windows, metal exterior doors, wood interior doors, ceramic floors and ceramic-tiled bathrooms. Exterior walls are painted with waterproof acrylic paint.

The houses were built solely by Uruguayan companies, one of which is the department of Colonia.

Halfway through the year, Montes del Plata signed a contract for the construction of the units with the CALPUSA company, associated to the El Orejano firm of Colonia, which offered the best proposal in terms of economics, quality, durability, presentation and completion time. CALPUSA&rsquos proposal is based on the use of injected concrete in aluminium moulds.

The Leonardo Peyronel architecture company was hired to seek and evaluate proposals and to monitor construction progress. Since the onset, Montes del Plata had the intention to use these buildings for social purposes in the future. As such, the design of the houses was determined in collaboration with architecture experts at the municipality.

The Housing Centre, located adjacent to the Lomas del Carmelo neighbourhood, is being built by the Berkes company.

The Centre includes 22 buildings with 26 rooms each to house 80 operators in each sector. Each room is insulated and has air conditioning. The buildings feature exterior perimeter lighting and landscaping.

The Housing Centre also will have a fully-equipped kitchen and an air-conditioned dining area to serve 1,760 people. Also planned are a Social Centre, a 100 m2 covered laundry building and a Central Administration.

Exterior areas will include parking, two football fields with lighting, a perimeter fence and internal roads.

After the mill construction is completed, Montes del Plata will donate the entire neighbourhood in Colonia del Sacramento to the municipality, and the Housing Centre will likely also have a social use.


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Visitas al Complejo Industrial

Días y horarios

Visitas de centros educativos y organizaciones (con ómnibus propio): Todos los jueves a las 9.00, 10.30, 14.00 y a las 15.30 horas.
Duración aproximada: 1 hora. Las visitas comienzan en la Oficina Montes del Plata en Conchillas (Calle David Evans s/n).

Agendar visita

Comunicarse al teléfono: (+598) 4577 2832 o por correo electrónico: visitas@montesdelplata.com.uy. También puede inscribirse en Oficina de Montes del Plata en Conchillas de lunes a viernes de 9.00 a 17.00 horas.


  • Las visitas están sujetas a disponibilidad de la empresa.
  • El Complejo Industrial se reserva el derecho de cancelar las visitas hasta una hora antes de la misma.
  • Una vez reservada la fecha de la visita, los grupos deberán enviar información de los visitantes y documentación del vehículo.
  • Todos los visitantes deberán presentar cédula de identidad o pasaporte original vigente para el ingreso al Complejo Industrial sin perjuicio de haber enviado el número del documento con anterioridad.
  • Se reciben grupos estudiantiles a partir de tercer año de escuela.
  • No está permitido descender ni tomar fotografías o grabar videos durante el recorrido en el Complejo Industrial.

Visitas al Bioparque M’Bopicuá

El Bioparque M’Bopicuá ha sido acondicionado para recibir visitas de instituciones educativas, fundamentalmente escuelas y liceos. Estas visitas son guiadas por personal capacitado y se restringen a los meses de marzo a agosto para no afectar la reproducción de las especies.

El circuito guiado comprende tres áreas: la estación de cría de fauna, un sendero de interpretación del monte indígena y las ruinas del “Saladero M`Bopicuá” que datan del siglo XIX.

Por consultas e inscripciones: contacto_bioparque@montesdelplata.com.uy.

Nuestras oficinas

Nuestras oficinas

  • Colonia 

    Conchillas: Calle Evans s/n - Tel: +598 45772832

    Punta Pereira Planta Industrial Tel: +598 45775000

  • Montevideo 

    Luis Alberto de Herrera 1248, Complejo World Trade Center, Torre 3, piso 9. Tel: +598 26236300

  • Durazno 

    Artigas 369 Tel: +598 43620853 

  • Paysandú 

    Av. España 1552. Tel.: +598 47227575

  • Río Negro 

    Vivero Montes del Plata - Ruta 24 Km 0. Tel.: +598 4562 7523

    Terminal Logística - Ruta 24 Km 0. Tel: +598 45627000

    Centro Tecnológico Forestal - Ruta 24 Km 0. Tel +598 45631037

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