01 March, 2012

Stora Enso named as one of the world`s most ethical companies.

The Swedish-Finnish company has been named as one of the most ethical companies in the world for 2012 by the Ethisphere Institute, a leading US-based international organization dedicated to the creation, advancement and sharing of best practices in the sphere of business ethics, anti-corruption and sustainable development.

This year, nearly 5,000 companies over 100 countries and 36 industries applied to be considered in the sixth edition of the most ethical companies in the world list, which is open to every company in the world.

Stora Enso was included under the forestry and paper category along with three other companies, two the US and one Sweden.

The 2012 list was comprised of 145 companies, a record number since its 2007 inception.  This year`s list includes a greater number of global companies with 43 non-US winners.

According to the Ethisphere Institute`s website, the World`s Most Ethical Companies, or WME, is a distinction where the think-tank recognizes companies that truly go beyond statements regarding doing business ethically and translate those words into action.

"More and more companies are realizing how ethics can be an important competitive advantage in the global economy," stated Alex Brigham, executive director of the Ethisphere Institute to the US-based Forbes magazine.

To determine the World`s Most Ethical companies, the Institute employs a proprietary rating system that studies the company`s codes of ethics, infraction history, investments in innovation and sustainable business practices, among other aspects.

Montes del Plata came about the association between Stora Enso and Arauco, two of the world`s leading forestry companies, and adheres to both companies` ethical commitments.

Moreover, it has signed onto the United Nations Global Compact. This adherence implies the application of the 10 principles of the Global Compact in reference to human rights, workers&rsquo rights, the environment and fighting corruption. Likewise, a commitment is made to incorporate the principles into the company&rsquos strategy, culture and day-to-day activities, as well as becoming involved in cooperative projects that contribute to the broadest attainment of the development objectives of the United Nations, especially the Millennium Development Goals.


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Visitas al Complejo Industrial

Días y horarios

Visitas de centros educativos y organizaciones (con ómnibus propio): Todos los jueves a las 9.00, 10.30, 14.00 y a las 15.30 horas.
Duración aproximada: 1 hora. Las visitas comienzan en la Oficina Montes del Plata en Conchillas (Calle David Evans s/n).

Agendar visita

Comunicarse al teléfono: (+598) 4577 2832 o por correo electrónico: visitas@montesdelplata.com.uy. También puede inscribirse en Oficina de Montes del Plata en Conchillas de lunes a viernes de 9.00 a 17.00 horas.


  • Las visitas están sujetas a disponibilidad de la empresa.
  • El Complejo Industrial se reserva el derecho de cancelar las visitas hasta una hora antes de la misma.
  • Una vez reservada la fecha de la visita, los grupos deberán enviar información de los visitantes y documentación del vehículo.
  • Todos los visitantes deberán presentar cédula de identidad o pasaporte original vigente para el ingreso al Complejo Industrial sin perjuicio de haber enviado el número del documento con anterioridad.
  • Se reciben grupos estudiantiles a partir de tercer año de escuela.
  • No está permitido descender ni tomar fotografías o grabar videos durante el recorrido en el Complejo Industrial.

Visitas al Bioparque M’Bopicuá

El Bioparque M’Bopicuá ha sido acondicionado para recibir visitas de instituciones educativas, fundamentalmente escuelas y liceos. Estas visitas son guiadas por personal capacitado y se restringen a los meses de marzo a agosto para no afectar la reproducción de las especies.

El circuito guiado comprende tres áreas: la estación de cría de fauna, un sendero de interpretación del monte indígena y las ruinas del “Saladero M`Bopicuá” que datan del siglo XIX.

Por consultas e inscripciones: contacto_bioparque@montesdelplata.com.uy.

Nuestras oficinas

Nuestras oficinas

  • Colonia 

    Conchillas: Calle Evans s/n - Tel: +598 45772832

    Punta Pereira Planta Industrial Tel: +598 45775000

  • Montevideo 

    Luis Alberto de Herrera 1248, Complejo World Trade Center, Torre 3, piso 9. Tel: +598 26236300

  • Durazno 

    Artigas 369 Tel: +598 43620853 

  • Paysandú 

    Av. España 1552. Tel.: +598 47227575

  • Río Negro 

    Vivero Montes del Plata - Ruta 24 Km 0. Tel.: +598 4562 7523

    Terminal Logística - Ruta 24 Km 0. Tel: +598 45627000

    Centro Tecnológico Forestal - Ruta 24 Km 0. Tel +598 45631037

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